Summer wildflowers

Summer wildflowers

Wildflower season in the foothill forests is an ever-changing parade of colour. The first wave, in early August,  is purple hoveas and hardenbergia, offset by yellow wattle blossoms. Then we have a gold and orange pea party as all the ‘egg and bacon’ shrubs and...
Spotting a Spotted Pardalote

Spotting a Spotted Pardalote

These tiny birds are only 9-10 cm in length – about the length of your finger! Spotted Pardalotes are well named, as some of their feathers are covered in white spots. Spotted Pardalotes are usually high in the leaves and branches of gum trees, or eucalypts. Here,...
Chuffed with Choughs

Chuffed with Choughs

Wheezing, whistling and whining – our two young White-winged Choughs have added to the usual cacophony of their family group this month. Their calls are similar to a young magpie, insistent and oft-repeated, but at a higher pitch. White-winged Choughs are incredibly...